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Top Tips for a Clean Desk – Why It’s Important

According to the old saying, a cluttered workspace leads to a cluttered head. Albert Einstein once said that “If a cluttered office is a sign of an cluttered mind then what is an empty one?”

You might be like Einstein and prefer to work in chaos with piles of papers and other detritus. It may be time for you to reevaluate your posture and position.

Are you reaching for your mouse to locate the right thing? Are you reaching for documents by twisting your neck? Do you find yourself craning for documents or perching on stacks of items?

Clutter can make it difficult to reach for and turn your equipment, which can result in injuries to your back, neck and shoulder. Here are some top tips to keep your desk clean.

It is not about putting yourself in a sterile, lifeless environment that doesn’t produce any results. You’ll be more productive and comfortable if you have more order.

1. Cable management: Get creative

The amazing thing about electrical wires is that they can become tangled in an impenetrable, terrifying mass even when you aren’t looking. Cable management is a great investment if your perfectly good surface space is being occupied by your pet cable monster. It can compress and stretch as you move your desktop from sitting to standing without affecting any equipment. A great tip for cable management? Go wireless wherever possible. Online, we sell many high-quality wireless keyboards and mice . To minimize reaching and twisting, make sure your keyboard and mouse are at the front of your body.

2. Every day, do an end-of the-day clean up

It is tempting to just finish a long, tedious day and then sprint home. But, you won’t be able to look back at the pile of unintelligible post it notes and scummy coffee cups you left behind. Instead of waiting for tomorrow to clean up yesterday’s mess and putting off doing it, try making a habit of tidying up before you go. You can also deal with notes and scrawled ideas before they become lost.

3. Discover the productivity-enhancing joys of a document holder

A document holder is a great option if your job requires you to quickly switch between a computer screen or paper (or tablet/phone), such as when you are writing notes, or referencing information. It will likely increase your productivity, accuracy, reduce your risk of injury, make your desk look neater, and most importantly, speed up your work speed. The document holder should be placed directly in front of your screen, just below it. This will allow you to only move your eyes up or down to view your documents and not your entire head. You’ll be able to keep all your papers neatly organized and in one place.

4. Storage is smart.

You may not have enough storage if you feel like you are constantly dealing with an endless stream of mess on your desk. Make sure you have enough space for your legs. Your feet should be flat on both feet, with your knees slightly higher than your hips.

5. Stand your tablet or laptop on a stand

It’s common to be surrounded with a variety of technological devices while working at your computer. This can make us feel cluttered and irritable and can cause us to bend our bodies in unnatural ways. We recommend purchasing a tablet and laptop stand. The new Vision can be used for tablet or laptop use. The new Vision elevates your screens to a comfortable viewing angle, helping you avoid tech neck. It also keeps your devices safe and accessible. View and shop our selection of laptop stands

6. Keep a trash bin close at hand

This is a simple tip, but having a bin within a reasonable throw distance of your desk leaves you with no excuse for leaving empty packets or pieces of paper lying around. You should not leave them on your desk.

7. Regularly clean or use antimicrobial equipment

Unbearable fact: Studies show that computer keyboards can have a higher level of germs than toilet seats. You touch many surfaces throughout the day. This can spread bacteria to your computer. You can reduce the spread of germs, unpleasant food-derived grime and bacteria by using a disinfectant spray every now and again. The same plastic was used to make our Number SlideKeyboard.

8. Install adjustable monitor arms

Mounting your screen or screens on adjustable monitor arm to your desk can instantly free up space and improve ergonomics. Your monitor should be at arm’s reach with the top of your screen in line with your eyes. You don’t know where to begin when choosing your monitor arm. For more information, see our infographic, Monitor arm: What they are and how you can choose.

9. Buy a pen holder

When you aren’t looking, pennies multiply and spawn. Biros can take over your desk if you aren’t careful. To keep your pens safe, invest in a pen holder.

10. Keep a DSE checklist in sight

Keep a DSE checklist such as this in sight to intimidate you into tidying up. To maintain a healthy working posture and prevent musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain or RSI, you must have enough space.

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